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When Is the Best Time to Move Long Distance?

May 19, 2024

When Is the Best Time to Move Long Distance? Discover When Relocation Is a Good Solution

Sometimes people tend to procrastinate the relocation process because they are unsure if it's the right move. However, remember that you’ll never be entirely certain of your decision. Weigh all the benefits and downsides a move can bring and compare them with your current situation.

So, When is the best time to move long distance?

If you’re not sure what signs to follow, here are some common reasons to consider:

Needing More Space: If your family is expanding or you just don’t have enough room in your current home.

Wishing to Downsize: After children have moved out, when taking care of a large home has become too hard, or when you are looking for a more affordable housing option.

Searching for Better Job Opportunities: Whether you’ve got a job that requires relocation, want to move to a place with good work opportunities, or plan to relocate a business.

Changing Lifestyle and Surroundings: You may wish to move to a big city for its amenities or to the suburbs to raise a family.

Looking for Educational Opportunities: Relocating for college or finding a prime school for your kids.

Change in Relationship Status: Relocating for a relationship or after a breakup.

Wishing to Change the Climate: Moving to a climate that suits you better.

When Do Most People Move Long Distance?

When you decide that relocation is the right choice and start organizing it, one of the first things to consider is when to do it. Most relocations in Canada occur between May and September, during the peak moving season.

The Right (Or Wrong) Date Can Affect Your Cross-Country Move

Choosing the wrong date can affect the success of your cross-country move. Consider aspects such as finances, weather in both cities, availability of movers, family needs, and the housing market. While any date can be the best or worst, it ultimately depends on your specific circumstances.

Organizing a Move During the Peak Season Will Cost the Most

Planning a move with a limited budget? Avoid peak season moves. They can be more expensive. Additionally, prices are higher in spring and summer due to high demand.

How to Make a Long-Distance Summer Move Cheaper

Even with a limited budget, some tips can help reduce summer moving costs:

  • Bring Less Stuff: Reduce the number of belongings you move.

  • Sell Unwanted Items: Generate extra cash by selling items you no longer need.

  • Rent Equipment: Save money by renting moving equipment.

  • Look for Free Supplies: Collect free boxes and packing materials from local businesses or online community groups.

  • Take Advantage of Special Offers: Some moving companies offer discounts or promotions, such as free storage services or discounts for combining relocation and auto shipping services.

High Temperatures Can Make Packing a Truck Much Harder

Moving in warm weather is challenging, especially during high temperatures. Heat can affect your performance and health, leading to sunstroke, exhaustion, and heat cramps. It can also negatively impact your mood, increasing mistakes and anxiety levels. Stay hydrated, take breaks, and avoid working during the hottest parts of the day.

A Move in the Winter Is Most Challenging to Complete

Winter moves are often the most difficult. Cold temperatures, snow, and ice complicate every aspect of the move. Belongings need better insulation to avoid damage, and pathways must be cleared of snow and ice. If driving to your new home or using professional vehicle shipping, your car must be winterized.

Fall and Spring Can Be the Best Seasons for Planning your Long Distance Move

Fall and spring offer a balanced approach to cross-country relocation, combining the advantages of both winter and summer moves:

  • Avoiding Peak Season: Most fall and spring months are outside the peak moving season, making it easier to book movers and find rental properties at better rates.

  • Mild Temperatures: These seasons typically bring moderate weather, avoiding the extremes of summer heat and winter cold.

  • Simplified Packing: There’s no need for extensive measures to protect belongings from extreme temperatures, although you may need to plan for rain.

However, relocating in fall or spring can have its challenges. For example, moving with children might mean they have to miss school. Additionally, piles of leaves in the fall can be as hazardous as snow, and seasonal allergies can complicate a spring move. Ultimately, it's essential to evaluate your current situation and weigh the pros and cons.

Consider the Weather in the City You’re Moving To

It's crucial to think about the weather in your destination city. For instance:

Edmonton: Known for its long, cold winters with heavy snowfall and short, mild summers.

Calgary: Experiences cold winters with occasional Chinook winds that bring brief warm spells, and mild to warm summers.

Vancouver: Has a temperate climate with mild, rainy winters and warm, dry summers.

Montreal: Known for its cold, snowy winters and hot, humid summers.

Toronto: Experiences cold winters with some snow and hot, humid summers.

Kelowna: Known for its cold, snowy winters and hot, dry summers.

Therefore, when relocating to a new home, you must consider if the climate and weather will be different once you arrive at a new place – and set a relocation date accordingly.

So, How to Know When to Do Your Cross Country Move?

Each season has its pros and cons, depending on various factors. If you are relocating with kids or going to college, a summer move might be ideal. However, other seasons might be better if cost reduction is a priority. Fall can have as many drawbacks as winter and as many benefits as spring, depending on your current and future location. Consider your reasons for moving and choose the period that offers the most benefits and the fewest downsides.

If Possible, Avoid Relocating During Weekends

Even if you’ve decided on the best season to move, choosing the right date is crucial. Opt for weekdays, as they tend to be less expensive than weekends. Additionally, moving in the middle of the month can be more cost-effective, as the beginning and end of the month see higher demand due to leases starting and expiring.

By carefully considering all these factors, you can ensure a smoother and more successful relocation.

Move With Confidence

Get a free quote from MTS Moving Inc. to help you make your long distance move a success. We provide comprehensive services, including movers, packing solutions, storage units, and more, to make your move as smooth and stress-free as possible.